Sunday, November 10, 2019

Transparent Motive

If you pay attention to a child out of guilt, such as “I should spend more time with this child,” they will often pick it up.  They know a faker.  It is best to spend time with the child out of love.  They will spot the difference.  So when I am going to spend time with children, I make sure that I have gotten any whining, or “poor me” out of my system.  I do a kind of spot inventory of character defects and emotional instability, if any be hanging around.  I won’t connect with the child or children if I am “doing my job,” or “putting in the time.”  They will pick it up.  They know faker priests.  I seem to connect with children because I am interested in them.  I look them in the eye and listen.  I try to make a point or teaching in a simple and short fashion.  And of course, I like to perform.  Tap dancing is a winner.  OK. I have a big ego, but I am having fun and so are they.  Fear is useless.  What is needed is...Pizzazz!  Did I just say that?

1 comment:

  1. So true. You are having fun and so are they. Having a sense of joy is readily recognized and appreciated by children. It is a wonderful gift
