Monday, November 11, 2019

Turn Off Button

For some people, there are times when they simply cannot turn off their brain.  What?  Well, they get into a critical or negative frame of mind, resentment energy quickly builds up, they talk to to themselves about how bad someone or something is.  They might know this is a bad direction, but even so, they cannot turn off the brain or the committee that is in their head.  This is why I believe that something like Centering Prayer can be helpful.  Centering Prayer is an example of the practice of letting go of thoughts, feelings and ideas as they crop up during the meditation.  It is not about having spiritual experiences of feeling good.  It is simply a prayer that learns to withdraw attention from one’s thoughts.  The prayer has other parts to it and you can read up on it, but for people who cannot tun off the brain, it is a good practice.  I do it myself and I find it helpful.  You don’t need to believe in a God.  Besides, whatever your belief is, you let that go to.  It gives me an off button for my monkey mind.

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