Friday, January 17, 2020

Cartoons Lie

I always enjoyed the cartoon, “Wile E. Coyote.”  The road runner always sped away from the coyote. That is false as I recently found out.  The coyote at top speed is much faster than a road runner.  All the coyote had to do was chase the road runner.  Maybe the coyote did not know this was the answer or that it had the capacity for such speed?  So, though I am crushed by the lie in the cartoon, maybe there is some truth for me and you.  Maybe our growth comes from knowing more about our capacity and then pushing ourselves to that capacity for us to be all that we can be.  Just because I say, “I cannot,” or “That is beyond me,” it may not always be so.  In meditation and spiritual reading, my horizons often get expanded and new possibilities arise.  I often find that I can do something that I did not think possible.  It is not always simply one time effort.  It is often the discipline of not giving up.  But I hope that my favorite cartoon, “Bugs Bunny” has no fibs.

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