Monday, January 6, 2020


Remember the Three Kings from Christmas stories?  Well, today is their day in Christian circles, except in the United States.  In the USA and maybe in some other places, it got moved to Sunday. Why?  We don’t move Christmas?  Well, let’s face reality.  Many a Catholic is not so much in love with their God as wanting to stay on God’s good side for eternal insurance as well as to want current plans to go their way.  If you really loved God, you would go to mass on Epiphany Feast Day, January 6.  I always did growing up.  Now we could make it a Holy Day Of Obligation and that would get a bunch of people to go to church, but a whole lot more would skip it.  They are churched out from Christmas stuff. Mediocrity won’t change, so change the date of the feast.  We moved it to Sunday.  If you love someone then obligations transcend into gratitude for love.  If you don’t love, then obligations are just a chore, and we often skip our chores because we would rather be doing something else or we are just self-imploded.  

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