Sunday, August 30, 2020

From The Heart

It is a benefit to someone to do a good action.  But the one who does the good action will not be changed for the better unless that action coms from the heart.  So you can ask yourself why you did this good thing?  Maybe it was to get or avoid something.  It could be about survival which is quite good because dead you cannot change at all.  But some of the good we do is to look good or at least not to look so bad in the eyes of others.  We might want something from a partner, so we do a nice thing and hope we get what we want.  See how so much of this motive is about self?  But when we act from the heart, selflessly, lovingly, without any expectation, then we are acting from the heart and this is what will change us.  The other person or the situation may remain unchanged.  We are not in charge of the results as it affect others.  Ours is to act from the heart.  

1 comment:

  1. loving unconditionally without any expectation is just magic no motive no desire but is natural you are on a journey along the way you do good and move on without any recourse bless along the path
    thank you father
