Monday, July 18, 2022

Be You and Not Someone Else

 There is a the Bible story of two sisters, Martha and Mary.  Jesus and his male companions come to visit.  Mary sits at Jesus feet and listens. That is who Mary is.  She sits and listens.  She is not a person who is well organized and able to cook a meal for a bunch of guys.  Martha has this talent.  But she is not happy about it.  She complains that Mary does not help.  Martha is not interested in people being who they are.  Martha wants more people to be like Martha.  Try becoming who God made you to be, to discover and live out your life and gifts, and you will be criticized by those around you.  Martha may also be unhappy because no one is paying any attention to her.  She is unnoticed in the kitchen.  If you try being you or being of service to others to be noticed, recognized, praised, you will be in for many a disappointment.   For Martha, the task at hand may indeed be difficult.  When this happens to me I need to find gratitude or else I will live in resentment which is not a good place to dwell.  

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