Saturday, July 23, 2022

Live Or Lose

 Faith must be lived or you lose it.  It is not just a series of doctrines in your head.  The same with sobriety.  You might memorize the twelve steps but if you don't practice and share it, you won't stay sober.  Lots of people drop out of religion after a schooling in "learning" things, because they don't practice it.  Maybe they don't see anyone else around who they admire for their faith life.  I grew up a believer in Jesus, the doctrinal Jesus.  I went to church.  Then I moved on from church.  And my faith faded.  I also became quite selfish, self-centered, fearful, and drunk too many times.  Fox hole prayers maybe.  Then I began to say, "This is not working."  So I began to read the literature.  The New Testament of the Bible is the Christianity Big Book.  Oh, Jesus said, "Follow me."  Doctrine? Not so much there.  But action, being of loving service, letting go of my self-will run riot.  Faith came back, the one that works for me.  And I read another Big Book recommended by people of action who I admired for their tireless effort to help others.  They said, "Follow us."  Now I live in a monastery and don't drink.  And my life is no longer all about me.  

1 comment:

  1. ...with those gifts you share a world of Love, strength, hope and freedom
