Friday, July 8, 2022

Theatre School

Joan of Arc Theatre School would be an apt name for a school.  Why?  Because Joan of Arc did her thing.  She paid the price, as she was burned at the stake age 19.  She refused to let adults, in her case, men of power, dictate her life to her.  A lot of girls get involved in singing, acting, dancing schools up through high school.  But then the powers that be want such girls, now young ladies of 17-18, to get practical.  Beyond high school you are just living your fantasy, is what adults might say.  They want the girl to go to college and get a degree in something practical, that is, in which they can support themselves.  The funnel gets pretty narrow for anyone to make a living on stage.  So those young ladies who stick to their hearts’ desire have Joan of Arc as a model.  Be yourself.  Otherwise your whole life will be an act.  

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