Monday, July 10, 2023


Hostility that remains buried within us can do us great damage, even destroy us.  It needs to come out and be faced honestly.  That is why when we have a practice of deep meditation, we often find such negative stuff coming up and ask ourselves why we are having these feelings if we are practicing this prayer?  Because the Power of God with whom we are in a more conscious contact is bringing this stuff up so we can look at it with some sanity.  We can see our side of the street, the fears we have, the hurts from past situations and so on. We see all the blaming we do.  We see how we blame and judge people today for stuff that happened in our past.  The healing begins to take place.  So don't expect meditation to bring you into an instant zone of "Ah" moments.  No transformation comes unless we face our demons with a power greater than ourself.   

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