Sunday, July 23, 2023

The Calendar

 Teresa of Avila, a big time mystic in Catholic circles, is said to have died on October 15, 1582.  So that is her feast day.  But she did not die on October 15.  She died on October 5.  Well, what happened to those ten days?  They got erased, just like that.  Seems my Catholic Church is responsible for the Western Calendar, and its upkeep, called the "Gregorian Calendar," after a Pope of that name.  This calendar could not keep up with real time of sun and moon and earth spin.  So, over the centuries of our calendar, we gradually fell behind by 10 days.  Slow calendar.  Fast earth.  My church can be very practical, and does not like to fall behind.  It has ways of catching up.  So we dropped ten days, just like that!  Erased.  And it was just at that time that Teresa died.  OK for dying dates.  You are gone.  But what happened if you were born during those ten days?  Worse than Leap Year, which you get back every four years.  Anyway, we are falling behind again.  

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