Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Soil

I wake up with the gift of faith. I don't have to ask myself, "Does God exist?" The question is rather, "Did I wake up with enough soul-soil for this faith to deepen?" I seem to wake up some days with soil that is full of thorns. It has some depth, but the thorns are the cares and preoccupations of daily life that draw my focus away from God. I fret about this and that. I make mountains out of mole hills.
Prayer is the way that I deepen the soil or let the Gardener of my soul remove any thorns for the day. Each time I sit in prayer I am tending to the soil of my soul. If I do not take care to do this, but rather take God for granted, or ignore God altogether, then I might wake up one day and find that the gift of faith is gone.

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