Monday, February 9, 2015

Become You

When Jesus said, "Come, follow me," he did not mean become like Jesus.  He meant become all you were made to be.  Become the true you.  Jesus became all he was made to be.  You are not Jesus, except in moments of grandiosity.  Institutional religion says its people have to become like Jesus.  Institutions are about control.  If you become all you are meant to be you might not keep all the infantile rules made to control you.  That was Jesus' problem too.  So if you become who God made you to be, beware of institutions.  They may see you as the enemy.  That becomes your cross.  


  1. Thank you for your comments. When I struggle with where I am or who I am sometimes the measurement to Jesus seems so far away. It is better not to measure to the impossible, but to aspire to who I am. I have been struggling and have reached out. I believe GOD would want me to succeed. I am an artist check out my site pass it on, I will succeed.

  2. Well obviously you are referring to our omnipresent Federal Government!

  3. But can we beware of the institution of the Church yet still pray and worship at mass and receive the sacraments? Even if in our minds we are questioning the rules and sometimes just ignoring them? How will God respond to us ? I pray that I can know the answer.

  4. Jesus does not need us to be squeaky clean. He said, Come to me all you who are burdened and I will refresh you. So just come as you are, questions, doubts and all.
