Wednesday, December 30, 2015


How do you know that you are on a spiritual path that is making you a better person?  Some people think it is if you are going to church or synagogue.  Some think it is if you are avoiding being bad or "sinning."  Some think it is if you follow rules.  Some think it is if you have peaceful meditative experiences or enjoying nature.  I have found that I am on a spiritual path when I become useful.  My life is changing for the better when I am useful to others.  I am not concerned about the outcome.  I have no control over that.  Usefulness is not about control.  It is about getting out of my self-referential attitude, or my sense of entitlement.  I have found it so.  Maybe this is a good idea for a new year resolution?


  1. This daily thought is useful food for many of us - Thank you, and best wishes for a Blessed New Year

  2. Happy New Year Fr. Terry. I hope yours, and my spiritual path is one of remaining in a state grace. All else is of useless blabber.
