Sunday, January 17, 2016

Golden Globes

I was looking forward to watching the Golden Globe Awards all about which movie and actor got which awards.  As I watched I realized that many of them were acting quite childish and maybe lacking some social skills in front of the cameras.  Why was I disappointed?  They are acting just like I can act at times, but I had them up on pedestals in their acting roles.  I realized that they have great talent as actors, but less talent as adults.  Is this not so for many of us?  We can do quite well in our talent roles, but as human beings our humanness seems to reveal itself in our, well, humanness.  Professionally or in our roles as parents we can do quite well and enjoy success.  In our personal lives sometimes we seem to be able to make a mess of things.  When the two blend together, then things get really messy for us and those with whom we work or parent.  My spiritual life practice is so that my faults do not rule my day and my work.  On the scale from useless to useful, I try to get close to the useful and far from the useless.

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