Thursday, January 7, 2016


Continuing with yesterday's blog, I realized that I was dealing with my mortality.  When teeth begin to fall apart, it is the beginning of the not so distant end.  When I read a psalm in the bible that reminds me that we all die, I can handle it.  I feel good now.  Death is in the remote future.  It is like when someone says that my car will eventually fall apart.  Yes, but it runs fine now, so I don't worry about it.  I am not ready for my end.  It is not that I have a lot still to do.  It is that I have not stopped being bad.  I do believe in God's love and mercy, but still, I would like to have a little going from my side, for negotiations, if you will.  Anyhow, I had a good run today, so I am hopeful that I will have a little more time.  The psalms tend to keep me at peace and in real life.

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