Thursday, January 28, 2016

The Core Problem

If someone is a liar or a thief on some regular basis, that is a bad habit.  It probably has become addictive.  Many people think the solution is to stop lying or stealing.  Then they will be OK.  Not so.  Lying and stealing WERE the solution to some deeper and pervasive problem(s).  You can stop lying and stealing.  You are now obeying the commandments. But you have not dealt with the reason that you did those things in the first place.  If you do nothing more, than you will simply go back to lying and stealing.  It is that way with all addictive behavior and addictions.  They are solutions to some life issues.  These issues are kept at bay by the addictions.  Once you stop your solution, your addictive behavior, the issues or mental craziness takes over.  You will get really crazy, or "white knuckle" life, which is a very miserable way to live for everyone involved with you as well as you.  As the alcoholic would say, "Once you stop drinking, the disease will take over."  I think that is why they have those twelve steps.  God gave us the Ten Commandments to show us how feeble we can be, so that we would develop a spiritual relationship with God to overcome our weaknesses.  I see a lot of white knuckle spirituality.  Whenever I grind my teeth, I suspect that is where I am.

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