Monday, August 28, 2017

This Is My Body

My sense of the essential oneness of all creation is seen in the love of one person for another.  The person you love is a separate individual, but also a sign pointing to the divine within us that unites us all.  When we love another selflessly, we feel a fulfillment that is not experienced in relating to someone for my own selfish gratification.  In this latter case, there is always a sense of something missing.  This is because such a self-centered love does not point to or connect us to the divine.  For Christians, a meaning of the Eucharist, "This is my body," is to call us to examine if this is the way we are presently loving, or are we falling short.  The Eucharist to to assist, grace us with the power to be all that we are, which is to love selflessly.  If a young person, who has not met a significant other, the Eucharist reminds, strengthens, and graces them to keep this kind of love in focus for when they do meet someone.  All relations that are self-giving are sacraments, that is, symbols of the profound mystery of life lived through and with one another.

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