Wednesday, August 11, 2021


 As Tagore tells the story, a king in a golden chariot comes down and alights in front of a beggar.  The beggar rejoices, thinking that the king will give him something.  But the king holds out his hand and says, “What have you to give to me.”  The beggar, Tagore, reaches into his purse and hands the king the smallest piece of corn he can find.  The king takes it and ascends again in his golden chariot.  That night the beggar empties his purse and finds a nugget of gold the same size as the small grain of corn he had given to the king.  What if the beggar had given his all?  We all want to get.  The question is, what will we give?  

1 comment:

  1. The Lord will never give us big nuggets for he knows that we will forsake him!
