Tuesday, August 3, 2021


 I love to watch track and field and every four years, when the Olympics come around, I tend to put God on hold.  I tend to get off my spiritual rhythm to catch events on the computer.  Not good I know.  Living in a monastery I am supposed to be getting holy, but the Olympics are here now.  So I told God I would be putting God on hold for about 10 days.  But God has been speaking more directly to me lately, and said, "OK, Terry, I will put you on hold now and after you die, and I will put you in a warm place, very warm."  UUH!  Not good.  So I apologized to God and said I would do my regular mediations and such.  But now when I sit and pray, all I think about are the Olympics, wondering how so and so is doing, or who is winning what.  I hope I am getting at least partial credit for my prayer efforts during these Olympics.  If you have temptations to give up prayer for something else, or ignore God in some other preoccupation, know that you are not alone.  Do your best.  We will meet in that warm holding pen someday down the road!

1 comment:

  1. You're not alone, I will jump to the NY Times puzzles online instead of finishing my morning Bible readings and prayers. Ah, those priorities!
