Thursday, January 27, 2022


Sometimes it is helpful to be loud, or louder than.  Than what?  Than the voices or "committee meetings" in your head.  Many of us have these meetings in which we mutter to ourselves, or even talk out loud to ourselves when insanity reigns,  about people, places, and things, that are just all wrong.  The committee tells us the solution.  The outside world needs to shape up.  But if we can find a friend, associate, someone on a spiritual path that makes sense, or even a Power in prayer, those voices need to be louder than the committee.  By louder, I mean the committee voices begin to recede in their ability to control our emotional sobriety.  That is why some people pray, or go find a person on the other side of sanity, the side we are not on at the moment.  A good blog is louder than your committees.  

1 comment:

  1. So true and just one of the reasons I read your blog before I meditate. ;) Thanks for being here every day!
