Sunday, January 9, 2022

One Small Step

 People say that they want to change.  They get all energized to do big things, big changes, such as change diet, exercise program, gym, working in a soup kitchen, making a vow.  Often, such big steps, all at once, are short term.  Change is neither overnight, nor is is dramatic.  Why not start with what is right in front of you, in your ordinary everyday encounters?  I suspect that in the routine of your day, you encounter situations in which you can change your behavior.  Start with basic acts of compassion and patience.  Nothing heroic.  Few of us change with heroic deeds.  Try a smile instead of a frown.  Instead of seeing the person with whom you come into contact as just a nuisance or necessary to your agenda, like a clerk in a store, see that person as just like you with your feelings and needs and emotions.  Small steps.  Don’t worry about results.  

1 comment:

  1. I love this and would like to add that returning your shopping cart can do wonders. You might just start bringing a stray cart in with you too, before you shop, without even thinking about it. Small steps work! :)
