Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Yes, But

 There is a story whereby the father asked the son to do something and the son said, "Yes," but then went off and did not do it.  This is what I call living "in the later."  I will do it but not now.  Lots of us can fall into this time called, "later."  Too frequently, it is a fantasy time to make us feel better about getting things done that never really get done.  I try not to say that I will do my blog later or prepare a talk later.  I cannot guarantee that this later time will become available.  What I do have is "now."  There are long term projects like cleaning the attic or the garage, and we know where a lot of that ends up or doesn't.  But there are a lot of things that do need some more immediate attention in terms of their value, but when we say "yes, but" we have devalued them.  So I write this blog now.  I don't devalue you.  

1 comment:

  1. I'm so grateful for you and your blog each and every day. Thank you for sharing yourself and the light you receive! Lots of love and hugs across the miles :)
