Friday, August 8, 2014


Seems that both Martha and Peter made the same faith declaration about Jesus.  The Apostles followed Peter.  How come no one followed Martha?  Given the culture of the day, maybe it was the best that Jesus could hope for at that time.  I wonder what the church would be like if a Martha was running it today.  The men have had their chance and we got what we got.  The Holy Spirit is at work and much good has happened.  A lot of that good though, is because women were doing the good in the field.  In many cases, they were the "boots on the ground" in the war against evil, discrimination, prejudice, poverty and neglect of girls, to name a few things.  Men did good work too, but I just wonder what the church would become if today, in the 21st century, a woman like Martha was at the top?  Just thinkin'


  1. I don't understand the pervasive denigration of women in humanity. Is because of the story of Adam and Eve? You mentioned the "culture of the day". Well it is still that way today although more subtle. Men seem to think that God put them in charge. I believe that God made us equal with our own strengths but that we each have the right to contribute to the way the world is run. Maybe the Holy Spirit needs to open up the minds of more men, you excluded, to to work in the war against discrimination, prejudice, poverty and neglect of girls.

  2. Why does it have to be either men OR women? Why can't we find a path that includes everyone - men, women, gay straight, young, old, black, white, rich, poor, Democrat, Republican, etc.

  3. Yes perhaps the church could welcome all; all sinners, all welcome. What's so crazy about that?

  4. You are exactly right - the church should welcome all - after all, he/she who is without sin . . . . even Republicans
