Saturday, December 26, 2015

Lord, Lead Me

I try to begin my day of prayer with a phrase such as, "Lord, lead me."  Prayer is a dance with God.  God leads.  I follow.  I have found that, in dancing, if both people try to lead, there is chaos and stumbling and not much dancing goes on.  There are all kinds of dance steps and rhythms.  I went to Ballroom Dancing classes.  It takes a lot of practice, as does prayer.  Don't expect proficiency right away.  Dancing is like prayer. There is all kinds of prayer.  It takes practice.  It takes knowing your role in the dance.  You get used to your partner and sense what to do and not to do at any one time.  God is my partner and leader.  I have prayer class every day.  My sister Maureen took dance class too, as a young girl.  I was better.  Just sayin'

1 comment:

  1. This is a good one.Remember girls dance backwards and on their toes.
