Saturday, October 27, 2018


I notice that readership of my blogs has dropped by 50% or more in the last week.  Where did I go wrong?  I thought that when I went away on holiday, I would be missed.  Wrong.  I am forgotten.  Now this gives me a chance to practice acceptance and humility both of which follow self-pity and delusional thinking that I am important.  Maybe my ego had gotten too big and now I get a chance to practice being right-sized. But the monks at the monastery, though they do not read my blogs, do miss me and want me to come there, throw away my computer, and just live there with them.  I keep telling the monks, “No, no, I cannot do that.  People love me in other places.  They would miss me and want me with them.”  Well, maybe not so much if my blogs are any indication.  Whatever happens, at least I get to practice the spiritual growth of acceptance and humility.  But that self-pity stuff seems to be hanging on!  I need a hug.  Don’t we all?


  1. I don't comment but, read you everyday. Maybe I should go to the sea ranch.

  2. yes- some of us read but don't comment. social media can be a scary place- keep sending out the positive. The world surely needs it now.

  3. perhaps something more alluring was in the news?
