Thursday, February 25, 2021

Walsh Family Players

 Years ago when I first became a priest, I was assigned to a parish in Houston, Texas.  There I met the Walsh family with their seven kids.  The children and sometimes included the parents would put on skits to entertain the adult at some social gathering.  Terry, the eldest daughter, took charge.  She directed the show.  I so remember my 25th anniversary as a priest, I went back to Houston and they put on a skit about me.  They nailed me, every flaw, idiosyncrasy, habit, and stuff I had done in their experience of my ministry and preaching and my visits to their home.  My point?  Children get us.  They may not say much at times, but they are watching and see all our habits, the good, the bad and the ugly.  But like the Walsh Family Players, children don’t judge us.  They know they are loved.  That is what they want, to be loved, feel safe, and cared for.  So parents, teachers, don’t so much worry about how you look or what mistakes you might make or silly stuff you try to hide from children.  They see.  They know.  Just love on them.  But what do I know.  I am just a single priest.  

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