Wednesday, April 7, 2021


 I don’t so much pray and work for conversions to Christianity, as I pray for Christians to be converted to the Gospel.  When Jesus died on the cross, the sky was darkened and people came out of their graves and walked about.  What was that all about?  It was all about a New Beginning.  In Genesis, there was a void and then came the light.  All was darkness and then came creation.  So with the death of Jesus, there is darkness, then Resurrection, the new Light, this “do over” if you will, the new creation, so the dead get a second chance as well.  Easter is all about a second chance.  At what?  At living the gospel, the things Jesus taught us to do on a daily basis, that so few church going Christians seem to do.  It is easier to just believe Jesus rose and is God, than it is to live the teachings such as love your neighbor, your enemy, the whole Sermon on the Mount.  The Gospel was a whole new way of life, not about simple Pius worship and then live a narrow-minded, judgmental, fear-based life. Sometimes I think it would be better to have atheists living the gospel than believers ignoring what does not agree with their cultural upbringing.  Now for the quiz.  The Album “Thriller” had people rise from the grave and dance to music.  Who was the famous performer, singer, song writer who did the video for that album?  


  1. The blogs of this week have many treasures and I appreciate them all, thank you Father Ryan. :)

    And that was Michael Jackson, in answer to your question. ;)

  2. Michael Jackson, brilliant, talented and I just played Thriller on my old Rocks and it is impossible not to dance too!
    He was accused of grooming little boys in Never Never Land, but we build monuments for our youth to admire...
    And the rest of the songs on the album are awesome..
    Dan m
