Thursday, May 27, 2021


 In the dark I cannot see much of anything.  But when the sun is out, and bright, I can see all kinds of things in the shade, the shadows.  The light exposes what is in the shadows.  My faults, sins if you will, ongoing bad habits, are somedays so very apparent to me.  I think, “How can God love me?  I am such a mess.”  But then I remember that I can only see my faults clearly because of the light.  God is the light and is loving me in this light.  God sees my shadows always, but wants me to see them and then work on them.  I cannot work on a fault if I don’t even know I have the fault in the first place.  So the next time you see yourself wallowing in your shadows, condemning yourself or feeling full of self-pity, remember that God, or your Power, is with you to help you correct and improve yourself.  Without the Power, Love, we cannot improve simply on will power.  My will power is often weak and inconsistent, so I need help.  Love, The Light, The Power is the help.  

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