Thursday, October 28, 2021

Clean Up

 I came to San Francisco for some Paulist meetings and to clean up my room.  The meetings were meant to simplify our Paulist lives by becoming re-focused on where and how we are going as a community with a plan.  The room cleanup was to simplify my life by having less “stuff,” and to give away things to people who could better use them than me.  Both the meetings and the clean-up went well.  My room looks a bit more tidy and less like a storage bin.  Clothes went to the poor.  Memorabilia went to relatives.  The attic got pretty emptied out. Lots of garbage cans filled or recycled.  I am not finished decluttering nor are the Paulists finished with meetings and planning.  Life is ongoing to de-clutter and get re-focused.  Otherwise, we are too busy tripping over the same stuff time and again.