Wednesday, December 7, 2022


 I remember the 1950s.  Every man who wore a suit and tie went to work in an office wearing the same kind of hat.  It was a sort of “Man in the Grey Flannel Suit,” which was also a Gary Cooper movie.  Then no one wore hats because when JFK was inaugurated he did not wear a hat.  Then came the 60s and “rebellion.”  The immature person rebels by trying to be someone else, since they don’t know who they are yet or don’t want to be who they are.  Hats came back in.  You can easily try on different hats and “feel” like someone else.  Easier than trying on different dresses.  Rock star performers wore hats depending on who they wanted to be at that time.  Very commercial but outside of the money received, not very real.  Maybe that is why some of them did so much drugs.  It is depleting to try and be who you are not.  I am an average, blend in guy.  Hats won’t change that.  Be yourself.  It is a lifetime of growth to become who you always are.  

1 comment:

  1. I love this reminder and wisdom, thank you!
