Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Next Year

Soon it will be 2023.  It will be an anniversary year for me.  My first parish, St. Leo the Great, in Aldine, Houston, Texas, was founded with two Paulist priests and a deacon in 1973.  So this will be the 50th Anniversary.  Most of the Paulists who worked there for the 20 years we ministered at St. Leo's are dead.  But I am still here, surely forgotten by all the current parishioners who have made great changes and improvements on what was founded from a 12 acre lot in the middle of not much else.  The parish was founded by the people who lived in Aldine, young family and single people in their first homes, young families.  These are the people who need to be recognized and many of them are still around in the Houston area.  The Marys, Frans, Stellas, Mildreds, Cathys, Beverlys Toms, and so on, I hope they will find out when the 50th Anniversary celebration is and ask the pastor to include these people as the Founders, and maybe include me who spent my first four years of ordination there and learned how to be a priest.  Then lets us Founder Folks gather together and party as only we know how!  Its in your court now Fran Walsh!   


  1. Happy Anniversary my dear friend, I miss having you near!

  2. Ditto! I miss you as well and wish you all a wonderful anniversary!
