Monday, June 3, 2024

Fallen Petals

 It is said that when the petals are removed from a flower, the flower gives its best perfume.  Less can be more.  What an image for the spiritual path!  Accumulation does not always mean a movement toward our best self.  Renunciation is often the best way to become more our true self.  Where did self-centeredness ever get you?  Or always wanting more?  Nature, the flower, can teach us a better way.  In addiction, you get less with more.  In recovery, you get more with less.  Christianity has the cross symbol.  The desert experience of simple life-style can teach us much.  How can I be of service, rather than how can I get more, often leads to a much more fulfilling day.  


  1. An apt metaphor in this amazing spring of so many beautiful and bountiful petals.
