Monday, June 24, 2024

The Wallowing

 Why do people wallow in misery?  Why not start a new path to lift oneself out?  Well, I tend to wallow in misery because it is familiar.  It may be addictive bad behavior, the same old, same old.  But I know the way.  No fears.  No unknown scary stuff.  New stuff is scary with anxiety.  Ok.  Yes, staying in the old way seems insane, excerpt when you are there and don't recognize the insanity.  What gets me to give up the misery is "desperation."  I found desperation to be a gift.  It overcomes my fears of the unknown path.  So if you are miserable, don't ask the misery to be taken away.  It might be the light in your darkness.  And someday, on your new path, you will become the light in someone else's darkness.  


  1. Yes.
    that happens to me constantly in all kinds of different ways and I some how manage to go on to the next one. You have given me a way to deal with that in s new way.
