Tuesday, June 4, 2024


 Do I live “partially,” that is not becoming all of my truest and best self?  A person on a spiritual path is trying to become “the rest of themself.”  How do we do this?  I think it is at least in part, how we treat others, especially those who cannot give us much of anything in return.  It could be a poor person, a street beggar, an addict deep into their addiction.  It could be someone in front of you on the supermarket line.  You do not feel compelled to be kind, engaging, or compassionate, much less forgiving, but you do it anyway.  You don’t even expect a thank you.  Go into any group setting.  Who is sitting alone?  Or looking about nervously?  Live partially.  Just go be with your friends or people you know or for some need you have.  Or become the rest of your best self.  On my better days, I try to talk to the person others are ignoring.  Often, there are surprises.  


  1. I love this! Another 'little big thing' is, smiling at others... doesn't cost a thing and may be the only smile they see that day. They might give you a huge one right back. (Or not, but thats okay too) 💕

  2. Yes.
    I find myself trying to become the rest of my best self..Always hapoy for the surprises.
