Friday, June 7, 2024

The Invitation

 I have realized that within any vocation, career, recovery, there is an interior call, a special task within the vocation, unique to each person.  I am a priest, a Catholic one.  I have come to realize that there is the generic vocation to be a ‘priest.”  But not all priests are the same, act the same or focus on the same things within their vocation.  I have a “call” if you will, within my vocation to be a priest in a certain way or activity that is meant to be of help to others.  I will be most helpful to the extent that I do not try to be like everyone else or fit in with other priests.  So some see me as odd, or different, or wrong in my vocation.  That is because I am not them, I hope.  It is the same in any vocation.  Not all parents are the same though they all have the vocation to be parent.  So too with teachers, and so on.  In recovery, each person has a call to live out their recovery in some unique way for them.  Meditation can be a great help in finding and staying in touch with this call within your vocation.  

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