Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The List

 OK. Things are going badly, or at least not going your way.  Yes, you can check your ego, or try for more acceptance, but often the vibes remain uncomfortable.  What to do?  Write a gratitude list.  I find this helps me to regain some serenity, especially when nothing else seems to be working.  Why I don’t simply start out with the gratitude list, is well, a character defect.  I sometimes have to do things the hard way.  Even amidst, “My life is over!” I have some things for which to be grateful.  Making a list forces me to bring up the good things that were buried beneath my self-pity, or genuine feelings of remorse and defeat.  I am grateful for all the people who read my blogs, even the blogs that make no sense.  Readers forgive and come back the next day.  Or not?