Sunday, June 2, 2024

the Unlimited

 A drink can give you some happiness.  But it cannot give you unlimited happiness.  It cannot give you “more.”  A drink is not divine.  It is a concrete reality.  Concrete means limit.  When one begins to worship a drink, that person wants unlimited happiness from a concrete reality.  Obviously, it will not add up.  Eventually, their solution to unlimited happiness kills them.  The drink became the idol, a false god.  So much for the idol worshipping alcoholic.  But what about yourself?  What or who is your idol?  What are you using, that is concrete, in trying to get “more” than the concrete can give you?  And why do you want the unlimited “more”?  I have become a God-Meditator because I have this desire for the unlimited, but have sort it in concrete things and been disappointed.  And my desire for the unlimited is no longer in some concrete happiness.  The unlimited cannot ever be satisfied by the concrete, by the created stuff, be it persons or things.  It is a legitimate desire, the unlimited, but can only be found in something that is unlimited.  Thus my God, or Higher Power, One, Ultimate Reality.  I have found it nowhere else.  

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