Thursday, June 13, 2024

Grabbing On

 Seek so as to become rather than possess.  You never possess God, as if you could hold onto God and be in control.  So many of us want to have good feelings in our meditation.  Rather than feelings, prayer is about becoming rather than possessing.  One does not hold onto sobriety as if it is one more item in their purse.  One becomes sober.  It is about action, a manner and a way of life.  In prayer, we are all seekers.  We seek to change, to become our better self.  And we no longer seek the tangible and the momentary, but rather “eternal life” as a quality, a way, rather than a possession.  And eternal is one day at a time.  Good feelings, money, power, esteem, these can all pass.  Meditation is about the deeper journey of interior change that affects our actions and will effect the world in which we find ourself.