Friday, June 28, 2024


 Some of us need a program of recovery from talking too much, or at the wrong time, or in manner that offers no help, no solution.  Whenever I do this, I am in need of the W-A-I-T program.  This stands for "why am I talking."  I stand guilty of this.  My sermons have to be short, because the longer they are the stupider I am.  Short and to the point.  And the point better be helpful, not judgmental, egocentric, or confusing.  I was taught in preaching school to "learn how to land."  That is, learn how to come to an ending.  Some of us just stop talking eventually, and everyone else has to assume "that is the end?"  I sometimes have nothing to say, but if I am brief and to a pointless point, and stop, people generally show me some mercy.  My blogs are short, even if they can be pointless sometimes.  Only sometimes, right?  Show me mercy.  


  1. Love your blogs and love you, too! :)

  2. You blog for souls on different paths. I guess.
