Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Vending Machine

 I remember the time many years ago when I got fired from my very good and promising job.  I had called in sick which was not quite the truth.  My boss called back later in the day and said I was fired.  What did I do?  I got dressed in my business suit and went to church.  I had a vending machine God.  I wanted something from God: my job back.  So I went to visit the church near my office and pressed the button, like on a vending machine, “get back my job.”  My pay was promises.  Then I went to the office and met my boss’s boss.  He said, “Terry, this is the best thing for your life.”  I cried.  Then I left, newly unemployed, and got drunk.  So much for the vending machine God of my shallow spiritual life.  I have learned, slowly, to drop the vending machine god, and pray that my God’s will be done, and I become the best person I can be.  Do you have a vending machine god?  Oh, and if you are looking for a blogger who has a a pristine past, you might want to delete me.  

1 comment:

  1. My young son surprised me in the car the other day, he said '...when that happened I thought it was a boulder but now I think it was a stepping stone.' ❤️ Your human past, Father Ryan, is what makes a connection with you so easy and helps me pass it along. Thank you, for being you!🥰
