Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Wounded Bread

In my Catholic tradition, a lot of people generally go to receive the host, Holy Communion, to give them comfort in this life of ups and downs.  But I am reminded that the host is the Crucified God, Jesus Christ.  It is not so much for comfort but rather to call a person to bear their own wounds in being more generous and self-giving in love, especially for those who have not "earned" your love, or those who have actually rejected you.  In recovery program meetings too, one does not go to always want to feel good.  One goes with their own wounds, to be of service to others, to love others without any thought of a return or guarantee.  Love then is not always or even often about feeling good.  We recognize our wounds and then love others who are wounded too.  God is not only hidden in the host but also in the person  sleeping rough on the street.   

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