Saturday, June 22, 2024

Free Love

I think of "free love" as something that you do as a commitment.  When we are free to love, not bound by addictions or other impediments, it does not mean that I gain some control by my love.  You say, "I love my cell phone."  This is a love because you control the phone.  It is your possession.  It responds to what you want and can be fun on demand.  But it is not the same as, "I love a person."  You don't possess a person.  They do not belong to you like a cell phone or property.   Your love does not control the person you love.  They may die on you, ignore you at times, act contrary to your wishes.  But you are committed to love this person.  Your cell phone does not respond or work as you like, you toss it into recycle and get a new one.  Jesus loved his 12 apostles and they did not respond as he had hoped.  But he did not discard them.  He had made his commitment to them.  

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