Friday, July 20, 2018

Baptism Of Desperation

Though AA is not a religion it does have a baptism that can change your life.  It is what I call the “Baptism of Desperation.”  It is the beginning of transformation that attracts others in similar predicaments.  Baptism in religion is often done to babies or when done to adults is part of becoming a member of a group. Grace is everywhere so I am not discounting this baptism as being change oriented.  But it is not like when you have one foot in hell and am miserable such that suicide looks like a good way out.  What is the difference than in the transformation of AA versus religious baptism?  AA attracts others who have “desperation” weighing then down.  Not many religiously baptized people attract others.  They may promote, or evangelize, telling people all about God.  But my sense is that outsiders look for more than talk.  They look for walking the walk.  AA is not about membership.  That is wannabe stuff.  It is about action that changes you such that others want what you have.  Desperation is not such a bad thing if you can keep from killing yourself while reaching out for the waters of the twelve steps.  So I have heard and observed.

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