Tuesday, December 1, 2020


It is the first day of December.  We have been 9 months into Covid times.  So maybe you are thinking about a vaccine being on the horizon.  That 18 month to 2 year wait has shrunk quite a bit.  But I am not thinking about a vaccine.  Nor am I thinking about the baby Jesus at Christmas, or shopping.  I am thinking about Santa today.  Will Santa come to the monastery?  Does Santa even know we are in this remote spot?  And moreover, does Santa know that I am here?  I have my doubts.  I know that we put up a tree in our dining area and decorate it.  I think that we have midnight mass here, but Covid says no one but us monks will be allowed inside the monastery chapel.  We will zoom it, but you will all be sleeping.  Then we go to bed.  Holy monks will be thanking Jesus for coming into the world.  Mediocre, fake monks, shallow spiritually, will be hoping that Santa will come for him.  But even if Santa does not come, there will be many things to be thankful for on Christmas.  All you blog readers are a gift to me.  You give me hope that with your faith in me, I will someday shape up.  


  1. I'm sure I'm not alone in saying this, but I love you just the way you are, miss your hugs and am just excited to grow with you - even if it's a virtual shoulder to shoulder right now. ;) With gratitude & don't forget to leave out some carrots, ha ha! One never knows and that's the magic of each day..

  2. Bless all to every soul loving caring thoughtfulness peace and happiness Every day is a journey building memories along the way We get wiser humble and always loving the universe with unconditional love without any expectation
