Saturday, December 19, 2020

Widow's Mite

 There is a story in the Bible about a widow who gives two small coins into the temple treasury.  It is all she has.  The rich give a lot more, but it is from their surplus.  They still have plenty left.  The point?  For me, I sometimes am like the widow.  I have very little to give to God, but then, unlike the widow,  I don't give God anything.  I say, "This is too little to give."  Like what? Time.  Enthusiasm. Faith. Focus.  I say at times that I am so scattered, empty of feelings for prayer or God or love.  My shortcomings are overwhelming me.  Maybe later God.  Then I recall the widow.  I then give God what little I have, but I give all of my little.  It is tough to pray when things are not going your way, but it may be the best of times for transformation.  Think Gratitude.  It dissipates a lot of our mess.  

1 comment:

  1. Wow Father thank you for reminding the very little i have but is the whole of my little that i give and ask for gratitude to the universe
    Thank you father
