Saturday, December 12, 2020


 The difference between loneliness and solitude is that when I am in solitude, I never feel alone, nor uncomfortable.  Many people avoid solitude because they mix it up with loneliness, and thus they feel lonely and uncomfortable.  I have been blessed with solitude being the answer to my loneliness.  Not everyone is so blessed, or makes this connection.  I have walked down a corridor and suddenly felt lonely.  I then went into the chapel and sat, alone, and the loneliness seeped away.  This has been the case as long as I can recall.  Many people don’t even know they are lonely or won’t admit to it.  It might make them feel like a loser.  Such people seek activity, busyness, projects, noise, chatter in groups, or some addictive substance.  Been there, did that.  When with people, I have gotten over the impulse to talk a lot, in order to feel I fit in.  I can just be with, be part of and that is enough.  Covid does limit interaction.  See how things go after the vaccine comes around to me and to you.  

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