Sunday, December 20, 2020

Winter Solstice

 Yikes, Christmas week is here!  Tomorrow, at 6:30 AM it will be the Winter Solstice, which for us in my Hemisphere, means lots of  darkness.  The monastery sits between two high hills, so we get very little sunshine at this time.  But I think of Santa up at the North Pole, where the sun shines not this time of year.  He is working in the dark, beginning to pack the sled, or Santa Elves are doing the heavy lifting.  Santa is checking on the reindeer, making sure they are healthy and well fed for the journey.  And of course, Rudolph has to have that shiny red nose to lead the others.  Now if I were a good Christian I would be thinking more about the baby Jesus than what might be packed into Santa's sled.  My big Sis, Maureen, told me that if I were thinking more about what Santa was bringing me, than I was thinking about the coming of the baby Jesus, I would definitely burn.  Well, I got a few days to get it right.  How about you?  


  1. 77 yrs young and Christmas means more to me than ever. God is definitely not done with me. Merry Christmas and thank you for your words of wisdom.

  2. Terry, you put a smile on my face- thank you!!!

  3. Merry Xmas and A Very Happy New Year to all from this side of the pond
    I give gratitude to you all and the universe for bring so much joy love happiness care and what little we have for this little we have bring the greatest joy
