Friday, December 11, 2020

The Marble

 I think of a block of marble as being in its comfort zone as simply a block of marble.  Then the artist comes along and begins to chisel away.  The marble is upset.  It wants to be left as a block of marble.  But the artist sees something more within the block of marble.  The block of marble is uncomfortable being chiseled away.  Transformation is like this.  I am the block of marble and would prefer my comfort zone as this, but God sees more and chisels away at me to reveal the “more” that can be a blessing for the world around me.  When I meditate, am helpful to another, forgive, accept, have patience and compassion, I am being chiseled away, bit by bit.  It is the discomfort of being taken out of my comfort zone.  My comfort zone is more a place of mediocrity.  God the Artist, the Chiseler.  


  1. Thank you, Father Ryan - I love this. :) The timing made me smile as my son's 3rd grade class just read the picture book "The Perfect Square" by Michael Hall. It's a wonderful visual and the description is this "A perfect square that is perfectly happy is torn into pieces, punched with holes, crumpled, and otherwise changed but finds in each transformation that it can be something new and just as happy." Even though it's meant for kids - I highly recommend it! While I never felt perfectly happy, my new relationship with God, meditation and prayer are helping me with all of the uncomfortable but beautiful changes sobriety is bringing into my life. I'm very thankful for you. :)

  2. Wow Father that was just magic!!!
    A block marble being chiseled and made a master piece and as i meditate i being chiseled too out my comfort zone
    Thank you father me teaching me to be humble and radiate out unconditional love for God is my artist
    Have a fab weekend everyone
    Bless you all
