Monday, June 28, 2021


 Most believers I meet use their imaginations to keep in touch with their God.  The imagination is like starter wheels on a bicycle.  It is good for beginners.  Why for beginners?  Because the imagination works with objects. It imagines things.  God, or my God, is not a thing, not an object that my imagination can wrap around itself.  My God simply IS.  So I use my imagination to say that God “is not!”  Am I an atheist?  I hope not.  But if I imagine God as not anything, then I am on the track to a relationship with an energy, power, the real, who IS Love.  God is a verb that cannot be imagined or thought, but can be loved in intimacy.  God as the great Void eliminates images.  All this takes time in a prayer of letting go.  Of what?  Your images.  

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