Friday, September 3, 2021


 If you cook or bake, you know that there are recipes, ingredients that go into the food to make it taste good.  Over time, you might adjust the recipe from your own experience.  My recipe for sanity and contentment has certain ingredients.  One of them is staying in touch with people in various ways, including face to face.  Now with the Coronavirus, in person is not available, so I have learned to adjust to Zoom.  It is a different ingredient, but different does not equal bad.  With Zoom, I can be in touch with people who don't even live near me.  I have learned to shut up, mute, when another person is talking.  And I get to see them when they are not all fixed up for the public.  I, like others, prefer in person, but just like a food, be positive and work with what I have.  This attitude helps with contentment and sanity.  I am not a hermit yet.  I don't do life in solitary.  

1 comment:

  1. Zoom has been a life changer for me. Can't do stairs so face-to-face meetings are few. Took me about 6 months to become comfortable. Felt like I was on candid camera.
